搜索 842
LB4 Jesus, dear Jesus, You're so glorious 新歌
NT1057 Jesus, lover of my soul 新調
LB39 Jesus, there's no one like You 新歌
NS585 John 14:6 新歌
E1048 Just as I am 經典詩歌
NS118f Jésus, mon premier amour 新歌
E790 Keep the incense burning 經典詩歌
E160 King of my life, I crown Thee now 經典詩歌
NS860 King, Lord, Head, and Husband 新歌
E8710 Knocking, knocking, who is there? 經典詩歌
E236 Lamb of God! our souls adore Thee 經典詩歌
NS802 Lamentations 3:40-41, 55-58 新歌
E369 Let me love Thee, Thou art claiming 經典詩歌
E635 Let us contemplate the grape vine 經典詩歌
NS940 Let us seek first the kingdom of God 新歌
NS390 Let us work together with the Lord through prayer 新歌
E450 Lie still, and let Him mould thee 經典詩歌
NS668 Live Through Me, Lord 新歌
E403 Live Thyself, Lord Jesus, through me 經典詩歌
E458 Living for Jesus, oh, what peace 經典詩歌
NS885 Look unto Him! 新歌
E773b Lord Jesus Christ, we seek Thy face (Alternate Tune) 經典詩歌
NS231 Lord Jesus, I love You, You're my all 新歌
E574 Lord Jesus, Thou dost keep Thy child 經典詩歌
NS475 Lord we yearn for Your display 新歌